Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

math and reading

This article explains how a important a high school diploma is in life today. Not even fast food restaurant will higher you. But still, 60% of jobs require education past high school. Some say it is a gate way to the big bucks. higher graduates earn higher salaries. Some other studies shoes that the people with high school diploma are less likely to commit crimes. I hope none of you broke chumps try to mug me. but pleas leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Math is one ofthe most important subjects in school these days. I think people should read this article because math is important. This article tells about how childeren are becoming more advanced in math skills. I really dont find this article intresting but I had to blog about something. ButI do agree that math is what adults think is important. And I also agree kids are learning more advanced stuff all the time. That is my opinion. If you dont like it go jump off a bridge.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Caffeine could affect the growth of your unborn child. This article explains how caffeine while still pregnant could affect your child later in life. My mom drank allot of caffeine when she was pregnant with me and I am now short. This is interesting to me because I now know why I am so short. The article explains how tests were created to test this theory. You people should read this article so you could under stand the affects of caffeine on unborn children. Mothers please do not drink caffeine while you are pregnant. Every day stuff could have caffeine in it. This happens to about 2645 children every where. And now you know.